Paradise Philippines - Subic Bay


Subic Bay is situated in Zambales Province, Central Luzon Region or Region III, west coast of the main island of Luzon about 120 kilometers north of the Philippine capital, Manila. The coastal area is surrounded by mountains with lush impenetrable jungles, ideal for trekking. The bay opens out into the South China Sea.

Subic Bay is recognized as a deep safe harbor. In 17th century Subic Bay is used as a port to defend and maintain Philippines by the Spaniards. In the following decades the Spanish decided to build a navy base utilizing the safe harbor and its natural resources.

Following the loss by the Spanish to the US in 1898, the US established a naval repair and supply base in Subic Bay. Subic Bay was only accessible by sea up until 1932 when the
zig zag road was cut through the mountains linking Subic Bay and Olongapo to the rest of the Philippines.

In 1941 Subic Bay was bombed by the Japanese and was held by them for the next four years, until the US took back the Philippines in 1945. The control of the navy base returned to the US. During the two invasions by both the Japanese and the US, a number of naval ships were either bombed or scuttled in Subic Bay Philippines. They have now created an underwater tourist hit, with scuba divers from around the world enjoying the wrecks in there underwater graveyards.

The Subic Bay Freeport Zone is now well on its way in becoming an economic, commercial and tourist destination. The Subic Bay Freeport is booming with international class restaurants and duty free shopping.

Subic Beaches and other Attractions

Subic Bay has a whole new dimension. Since the US Navy moved out in 1992, the whole area had to re-access itself in order to fill the gap left by the US Navy. What has now materialized in Subic Bay is fantastic; the development is something the people of Subic Bay should be proud of.

Scuba diving in Subic Bay revolves around wrecks, wrecks and more wrecks. There are wreck dives to suit every level of diver from experienced to novice alike. One of te great aspects of diving these wrecks in Subic Bay is how close they are to the dive shops. For information on Subic Bay scuba diving, have a look here.


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